I've got news for you, folks. Parenting is intense work. It's hard, exhausting, time-consuming and draining emotionally, physically and financially. AP or no, being a parent is going to push you to your limits and beyond on a regular basis.
The way I see it, Attachment Parenting represents nothing less than a paradigm shift. We are used to competitive thinking in our society - if I am meeting my baby's needs all the time, then I am necessarily not meeting my own. Or worse, my "need" to "wait on my child hand and foot" stems from sort of psychopathology. AP, on the other hand, is at its core an effort to find ways to meet everyone's needs at the same time. Revolutionary!
Babywearing International, as part of their celebration of International Babywearing Week 2008, is putting out a beautiful and well-researched brochure called "Babywearing: Benefits for Mothers With Postpartum Depression or Depression". I am really interested in this effort, for two reasons. One is that, as someone who has suffered from PPD, I recognize the intense need for acknowledgement of this issue and efforts to alleviate the suffering of new mothers. And the other is that it acknowledges the fact that babywearing, while it is good for babies for any number of reasons, is also good for MOTHERS! The benefits are listed in the brochure as follows:
- Babywearing reduces infant crying significantly which means less stress for mom
- Babywearing helps babies sleep better and longer which means less stress for mom
- Babywearing increases mom's confidence
- Babywearing promotes bonding which makes parenting easier and more enjoyable
- Babywearing helps moms meet baby's need for contact easily which means less stress for mom
- Babywearing allows mom to care for baby while doing other things like eating, caring for other children, or going out for some sunshine, fresh air and exercise
And I have to add one more: carrying around an extra fifteen pounds helps you to get rid of the extra baby weight.
A win - win all around.
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